Sunday 1 August 2010

01 August 2010

Todays photo is by superspacemonkey on Deviantart!

Sunset was always my favourite time of the day. I wasn't sure if it was the end of a long day or the promise of a hot meal and a warm bed. It took me a year to realise, after a routine of waking up, going to work and standing at the same point looking out into the horizon that it was the view from my flat.

Every night I stand in awe as the sky burns like fire, the buildings turning to amber. It was quiet, the Zeppelins stationed away from the city by now in case of attackers and to let the people sleep. The air cleaning now from the smoke and ash that filtered from the factories, although a sunset with the ash would be even more beautiful.

Too soon the sky turns to blackness, the fire extinguished only the coals remain.